Monday, April 10, 2006

It shouldn't bother me

So as if this year hasn't been bad enough I just got news on the Demon. Apparently she is now married and gave birth to a little girl 2 weeks ago. I should be happy for her. It shouldn't bother me, not like it is. I know theres no future for us, I know I'm never likely to hear from her again, I don't want to date her anymore, yet for some reason it makes me sad.
Sometimes dreams die hard.

You know, I've been thinking. She left me 2 years ago. In that time she bought a house, got married, and now has a kid. What have I done in 2 years? Well, I'm unemployed, I'm broke, and I'll soon be homeless. She has done better without me in her life. A lot better. Maybe....just maybe, everyone would be better without me in thier lives.....


Blogger Ĵōÿ said...

I left a comment on here right after you made this post but I guess it disappeared into netland.

I completely understand the feelings you are struggling with here. One one hand you are upset that the fantasy you held out on once again being with the demon is crushed with the news that she has gotten married and started her own family. Everyone suffers from this type of insecure feeling when we see people we used to love, or still love moving on in their lives when we havent even considered doing so. On the other hand is the comparison you made to where you find yourself now in relation to where your ex seems to be in her life. I know its hard but at a time like this you have to use some foresight too. Your life wont always be where you find it today. Things will change, not always for the better but sometimes it is.

Never fear, I am here, I just had some trouble with my measly connection. And two things my friend... You will never be homeless as long as you know me, and there is no part of my life that would be better without you being in it.

12:48 PM  

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