Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Reach out and Touch Me

I am coming to realize even through all the blogging how important it can be to just let down the guard and reach out and touch another person, another soul. I cant say enough how important it is to realize that the little things are the ONLY things that matter. Buying a new car isnt as important as the dealer who empathized with your low funds and gave you a break on the price. Having a baby isnt as important as the moment when that baby looks up at you and says 'Momma!' Having a kindred spirit in another blogger isnt as wonderful as that blogger coming through for you to lift your spirits when you thought they were at their lowest.

The little things, are the only things worth remembering.


Blogger tangledthoughts said...

hello joy...i didn't even know you commented on my page..i would never del your comments. You are one of the most important amongst the blogger community

1:41 PM  
Blogger Azathoth100 said...

Yep. Little things matter far more than most of us realize. They are what we remember long after the events and people are gone. Thats why I'm glad to have met/read you on this here blog type thingy. You rule Joy, and have made my life a sunnier place. Peace my friend.

2:35 AM  
Blogger Ĵōÿ said...

Thank you for your comment tangledthoughts. I was really just playing with you when I asked if you were censoring me. I know that you would likely never do that regardless of the comment I made. Thank you for the compliment as well.

You too Az as always. I remember when I first started posting and I didnt care if anyone read it or not. Then you did. And I was shocked that someone cared enough to read. I can only hope I mean half as much to you as you do to me.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Tiamat said...


You are so totally right about connections. If we're not here to reach out to each other, what then? Oh, wait, I's fate torturing us all. Funny how blogs bring us all together.

9:09 PM  
Blogger Kuan said...

It is amazing not just how people reach out and touch you, but the curious venues that it happens in. A new dear friend reached out to me in one of my darkest hours and litterally saved me, but I don't think she knows it.
I believe that we make the connections we do for a reason that our paths were ment to cross as ordained by the universe, who are we to question that we should really just enjoy the moments we have together as they are gifts.


1:59 PM  
Blogger Lady said...

reply to your comment: haha... nothing lol. I just wanted to look up the difference between fear and being scared. That's all.

I'm doing great... Just felt pretty stressed out for a while, but I'm doing good otherwise. Feel less stressed out right now.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Lady said...

I like the set up of this blog, by the way... You have a lot of blog's!!! :D

8:24 PM  

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