Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Words of Wisdom from a Dumb WB Television Series

"You keep living life as if it is something that is happening TO you....
but it is the choices we make that fill in the many details of our plan..."

The everything happens for a reason theory...
Is it or is it not so? An argument my family discusses often...

My father hates the idea that there is a GREAT PLAN for everyone...
I used to argue this case with him but now I'm beginning to understand where he is coming from....

If there is a great plan then we are no longer held accountable for our actions and the consequences that follow...When I heard the above line on Everwood...(might I mention, I was channel surfing and only watched this 45 second segment of the show) I understood even more clearly what my father has been arguing all along...

Props to the WB Everwood Writers....and Good ol Dad


Blogger Azathoth100 said...

It's funny. I used to argue the point with my pops all the time. As a major religious person he believes that God know everthing that has happened and will happen. It's all part of God plan. but to me this means that there is no free will involved. You cannot have a great plan, or fate or destiny and still talk about free will. It just doesn't all work together.

10:00 AM  

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