Thursday, August 02, 2007

101 Post and Kindred Spirits

When I began this blog I had a few people in mind I wanted to add to it. I added them, some have disappeared (Dan :() and some have just gotten involved in life a bit more then we were at those moments when posting to our blogs was keeping our souls fed and nurtured when the outside world couldnt. But one thing we all have in common here is this.

Az, Kuan, Cat and myself, we have all had some serious struggles, some ugly moments, some horribly tragic circumstances that could have made us prematurely OLD. Things that could have made us like those bitter people we eye from time to time while promising ourselves we wont be those people no matter what happens to us, through us, or because of us. Ive fallen back on every one of you at some point in the last few years, in Cats case for the last 2 decades. And the one thing that makes it truely amazing is that not only do we not jump in the pity party pool with each other, but we actually lift each other up.

I remember laying on the couch at my fathers house 2 years ago now, wondering what the fuck was wrong with me, wondering how I could straighten out what was broken in me, when I reached over, still laying down and opened my blog. And I seen a post from Az that made me tear up and smile at the same time. I immediately got up and ended my pity party and went right out to kick lifes ass some more.

I remember the first time I talked to Kuan on the phone and it was as if I was talking to someone I had known ALL of my life. No hesitation, no uncomfortable silences. Souls renewing friendships never do feel that way :)

And I really cant begin to describe the place that Cat has had in my life. It would take hours, but she knows and I know that no matter what happens or where we go, we will always drift together again. It keeps us lifted up. I know for a fact it does.


Blogger Azathoth100 said...

I'm glad if anything I've ever said has helped make you smile Joy. In the end even us stubborn folk need a good shoulder sometimes. In the end it's not getting old that is the scary part, it's getting mature. Old is just age, but mature is a state of mind. Everything we do that is fun is called Immature, which to me means that being mature means you've forgotten how to have fun. And that is something none of us should ever do. Keep that smile going Joy, it's a beautiful thing and you should show it off more often.

As for me, I'm looking forward to someday being a bitter old man, sitting on my rocking chair and threatening people with my cane. Beating kids with a cane is just one of those simple pleasures in life. "KEEP OFF MY LAWN YOU WHIPPERSNAPPERS!"

1:00 PM  
Blogger A Cats Eye View On the World said...

Well said Az. Damn thats good!!! It's official, fuck a myspace, I'm back to blogging.

2:09 PM  
Blogger A Cats Eye View On the World said...

I know this might sound insane but I truely believe that we are meant to roam together in this insane world. We all fit like a piece of puzzle. So when and how do we rid the sludge from our lives and still hang on to each other??

2:13 PM  
Blogger Ĵōÿ said...

It just happens dont it? It happens because we WONT be those type of people who forget who we care for or what they have meant in our lives. We arent the shallow types who use the word friend freely and carelessly. We arent the fakes of the world. So I think sticking together should be one of the easiest things we have ever done, Cat and I sure have right?

2:28 PM  
Blogger Kuan said...

It is with indescribable Joy that I have wandered across the paths of you most amazing people, and your friendships and words have etched an indelable place in my heart and soul.
I remember the first time I talked to you too Joy, yes it was one of the most comfortable conversations I've every had with some one I've never hugged, hell once I burned an entire month of minutes on my cell phone talking to you, it was like twin spirits meeting again after a long, long separation. Now that I've found you again I'm never going to let you go.
Cat same thing, when hello came out of your mouth I was sold on your spirit and like Joy I have known you for life times before this one and I only see it getting stronger.
Az I have never really spoken to you but you did comment on a few of my posts and was immediatley connected to you. Mature is a state of mind we have to be in for a few hours a day, but when those hours are up its all about having fun. I to have lived the "roller coaster" part of my life, now I want the back porch and lemonade part.
I write her to free myself of my torment and my sorrow and it is a venue that totally works for me.
I love you guys and I cherish every word you all write.


11:10 PM  

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