Thursday, July 03, 2008

less than a Year

Yeah, I know I wasn't going to blog anymore, but I've been wierded out by the fact that I have less than a year till my wedding to go and felt like writing about it.
Seems like theres so much already done, yet so much left to do. We still have to go hunting for a place to live, not sure yet if it's an Appartment a House or a Condo. Also, we need to furnish it. I only own so much stuff for a living space, and she owns even less.
Then there's the guest list, which is going to be probably the biggest project of the whole wedding. So far she has close to 120 people on her list. I keep telling her shes got to cut it but shes afraid of upsetting anyone in her family. But no way am I paying for that many folks. I want to stay under 150 total, which means she has to cut back to about 75 or so. My list is around 85-90, and I can shorten it by eliminating most of the Canada relatives. Also, I have no problems cutting people because my family understands that I ain't rich.
Anyways, I gotta get back to work, but might stop in again to vent now and then.
Hope your all good.


Blogger The Creeping Unknown said...

Az, we had 50 people at my wedding because we paid. The costs of a wedding are astronomical. I have friends who have 150+ people at a wedding and put themselves into financial ruin at the very beginning of this next step in life. I would encourage you to cut your lists and keep it managable to 100 and under if you can. The money you will save could help to furnish your house! We barely made $1900 in wedding money - you'd be amazed at the reality that what you invest you don't get back in gifts. Our wedding cost a total of 7K and we stuck to our budget. It was lovely and elegant too.

8:38 AM  
Blogger Ĵōÿ said...

My wedding cost my parents less then 500 dollars including my dress. Ive been married now for 11 years. Not always easy, but any good job isnt.

The cost of the wedding is very insignificant in the big picture. Elope :D

4:05 AM  

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