Is anybody out there?
This town, is coming like a ghost town
All the clubs have been closed down
This place, is coming like a ghost town
Bands won't play no more
too much fighting on the dance floor
Do you remember the good old days
Before the ghost town?
We danced and sang,
And the music played inna de boomtown
This town, is coming like a ghost town
When Joy first suggested to me about joining this blog group on clusterfawk I thought it would be a great place for us all to write back and forth, a little comune of comunication. But as time passes it feels more like a ghost town. Bm and Bookcase have gotten too busy in life to post anymore, Joy is only on once in a rare while, Dan does occasionally when he has something on his mind, and I haven't gotten much posting done due to life's pace. It's not anyones fault, don't think I'm blaming anyone, life just happens and we get busy, I just miss the potential this spot had.
I've watched so any on the blog come and go, heck just look on my regular site and see the side board where it says Dead but Dreaming. Those are all abandoned sites from people I once liked to read, and now another may be joining it since Kerry has anounced that she is pulling out of her blog too. It starts to get depressing after a while. I meet these wonderful folks on here and get to enjoy thier posts and comments, then they're gone. I have debated several times about closing down my blog, but I hate losing friends and thats what it would feel like. I may not have much to say but I enjoy reading others on the blog.
Oh well, guess I'm just having a night. Hope your all doing well if and when you get to read this. Peace.