Friday, May 29, 2009


So it's now less than a month till my wedding. Seems like theres still so much left to do. I tried to give us lots of time and get stuff done early, but some of it just seemed to slip through the cracks. Now, between work and other stuff I don't know if there's enough time to get everything done. I'm not in panick mode, but maybe I should be. Part of me wants to say screw it and just let thing lie the way they are, but Babushka deserves to have a grand day, and I'm gonna have to really start pushing to make sure that happens.
Maybe it's time to stop being nice about stuff?


Blogger Ĵōÿ said...

Yeah. Honestly I think there comes a time in most any process where its time to stop being nice, polite and socially acceptable. Do what you have to do to make sure your lady enjoys her day. She will remember it and reflect on it for the rest of her life.
I hope you are still as happy for you as I am :))

2:17 PM  
Blogger Azathoth100 said...

I'm almost there. I'd probably do it this weekend but I agreed at work to do some overitme, so it'll have to wait till next weekend, by which hopefully most of the problems will have already gotten solved. I can do nasty, I just don't like to.

10:21 AM  

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